The silk-like linens and complete DermaTherapy® solution have been extensively researched and tested. Test results, findings, and conclusions are summarized as follows.
Results of clinical trials of DermaTherapy® at various long-term care and acute care facilities. Study durations between 12 and 72 weeks. Results demonstrate reduction in Hospital-Acquired Pressure Ulcers/Injuries and Facility-Acquired Pressure Ulcers/Injuries.
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This trial sought to see if specialty linens could influence the rate of pressure injuries in cardiovascular and surgical intensive care units. The conclusion of the trial was that the use of specialty linens in addition to standard techniques for preventing pressure injuries can help prevent pressure injuries from developing in high-risk patients.
Freeman R, Smith A, Dickinson S, Tschannen D, James S, Friedman C.
American Journal of Critical Care. 2017; 26: 474-481.
The unique complexities of the COVID-19 patient, combined with the rapid volume of their admission has dramatically affected injury prevention. Normal standards of care cannot be followed due to patients being required to remain in a prone position and the shortage of skin and wound care products. This combination places the COVID-19 patient at heightened risk for the development of unavoidable pressure injury.
A Position Paper from the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel; 2020
The expense of treating chronic wounds is growing rapidly due to increasing health care costs, an aging population and a sharp rise in the incidence of diabetes and obesity worldwide. Research advances in the field of wound management can led to effective solutions in improving patient care.
Chandan K. Sen, PhD, Gayle M. Gordillo, MD, Sashwati Roy, PhD, Robert Kirsner, MD, Lynn Lambert, CHT, Thomas K. Hunt, MD, Finn Gottrup, MD, Geoffrey C Gurtner, MD, and Michael T. Longaker, MD
Wound Repair Regen. 2009 Nov–Dec; 17(6): 763–771.
This study compared the incidence of hospital-acquired pressure ulcers in patients admitted to Telemetry, Urology, and ICU before and after hospital linens were changed from standard to silk-like linens. This 6-month study was conducted at the 175-bed Wesley Long Hospital, Greensboro. The results found that the incidence of patients with facility-acquired pressure ulcers at all stages was 10.3% for the control group compared to 2.5% for the patients using DermaTherapy®.
Smith A, McNichol LL, Amos MA, Mueller G, Griffin T, Davis J; McPhail L, Montgomery TG. J
Ostomy Wound Management 2013;59(4):28-33.
The purpose of the study was to compare the number nursing home acquired-pressure ulcers between residents using a silk-like fabric and high-absorbency incontinence briefs and usual care linens (plain-weave cotton/polyester textile fabric). The rate of all new pressure ulcers was lower in intervention group (23%) than in the control group (100%). This finding supports the hypothesis that reduction of moisture and friction lowers the risk of a pressure ulcer development.
Twersky J, Montgomery T, Sloane R, Weiner M, Doyle S, Mathur K, Francis M, Schmader K. J
Ostomy Wound Management 2012;58(12):18–24.
In two separate studies, the therapeutic performance of silk-like synthetic bedding and patient gown products was compared with conventional cotton-blend products currently used in hospitals and healthcare facilities. In both patient care settings, the incidence of pressure ulcers was lower in patients using the intervention than those using standard hospital linens.
Coladonato J, Smith A, Watson N, Brown AT, McNichol LL, Clegg A, McPhail L, Griffin T, Montgomery TG. J
Ostomy Wound Management 2012; 58(10):14-31.
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